Yes, sun damage can be reversed. Using the best creams, serums, and treatments for sun damage, you will achieve not only healthier skin but also a more youthful appearance. Our skin peels, resurfacing lasers, and photodynamic therapy can rejuvenate your skin, bringing it back to a healthier, more youthful state.

Sunlight causes skin cancer, with time. It can also lead to both fine and deep wrinkles, brown spots, broken blood vessels, and pre-cancerous actinic keratoses, which are not only unattractive but may also develop into skin cancers. Sunscreens and sun-protective clothing are necessary to keep your skin healthy.

Most of us have experienced excessive sun exposure. Sun damage is cumulative, meaning it accumulates over time. Sunlight exposure can cause skin cancer. A child may get severe sunburns but they do not typically result in skin cancer until later in life. While it often takes years of sun damage to lead to skin cancer, there are numerous other effects of sun exposure that develop more quickly and can be quite distressing for the patient.

Acute sunburns cause peeling and blistering. Sunlight can also cause rashes in persons taking certain medications (like medications to control high blood pressure) or who have certain “sun-sensitive” or photo-sensitive skin diseases (like lupus erythematosus). Sunlight can even cause a skin reaction to a person’s perfume or soap.

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